Monday 14 November 2011

Media Mag Conference Review Notes !!

1st speaker : David Buckingham ( Riots)

The main themes David talked about was representation, uses and effects and public knowledge.

When he started talking about Representation as a whole he talked about the specific language that was used for the rioters involved. Which included names such as ' young morons' ' hoodies' and therefore, gave the sense that young people like us living in society are crazy. The interesting bit was knowing that the media itself targeted young black youths especially middle class working people who they called (chavs). In addition to this universities such as Brunel started to comment upon the riots saying " TV, News, violent crimes and celebrities" were the main factors contributing to the problems occurring.

Blaming the Media

The Daily Mirror blamed rap culture ( rap music, raves about drugs) and said that was the main causation for young people getting involed within the riots as they believed that by listening to this kind of music it would influence them and therefore, make them lash out. Also the Big Brother and X factor generation are seen posing infront of shops looting portraying to the public and the media itself that they dont care as long as they get what they want at the end. Also the Sun newspaper stated that twitter was the main source rioters used to set up these riots saying stuff like " ROLE UP AND LOOT". Lastly, the media is seen as a primary source of starting trouble such as ( the arab spring, the London Riots through twitter and facebook) but on the other hand these tools were also used as CCTV tools in which the police got to see what people were up to so they can arrest them.

Opinions and Explanations 

David stated that a lot of the pictures that were shown by the media were all framed this meant that the primary use for them was to draw it to our attention but also at the same time exclude other things within that image. This therefore, meant that people would only see one part of the bigger image and not the other and would make their assumptions on that. Also, a lot of people talked about the word ' Ownership' which meant right thinking meaning that the media itself is giving people the right to say anything they want (ordinary people) and therefore, means experts opinions are lacking. Futhermore, osbourne ( Telegraph / left wing ) is saying that ordinary people are not to blame for the riots as the politicians that we listen to such as Nick Clegg ( charged with arson) are to blame as they dont give us the proper guidance we need in order to become better citzens. 

David Stankey 2nd speaker

David stated that the riots were superficial as people were trying on shoes infront of looted shops casually as it was nothing important. He also stated that white girls and boys are so inmerged within black culture and are apprently using Jamaican Patwa as a language in a way to communicate amoungst each other. This was shown through a video highlighting a interview with a politicians and the funny bit was him trying to talk slang and lets just say that was such an epic FAIL. 

3RD Speaker Examinar AQA

The focuss was a contempary cross platform nature of modern society. This included a consideration of the inter relationship stating the way the media is constructed, the way the institution responding technology changes and lastly the audience. She done this by giving us an example of how to do that by doing it on a popolar tv shown on BBC Three called Being Human. This then showed to us the different elements within that platform the creator have used such as blogs, websites and even twitter and Facebook. 

4th Speaker Pete

\He talked about the 9 keywords you have t o think about when planning and presenting a music video for your media piece. The keywords included :
  • Research
  • Planning
  • Evidence
  • Ideas
  • Feedback
  • Logistics
  • Equiptment
  • Reflection
  • Production

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