Saturday 12 November 2011

Film industry Questions

Section A

1) * Someone has an idea for the film * They create a blue print to promote the idea of the film *A studio or an independent investor decides to have the right in order to present the movie * People such as ( screenwriters, producers, actors) are all brought together to make the movie * the film is completed and sent of *The distribution company decides on how many prints are made * the distribution company shows the movie (screening) to perspective buyers representing the theaters  *The buyers negotiate with the distribution company on which movies they want to lease and the lease agreement *The printed versions are sent to the theaters a few days before the opening day * the theater shows the movie for a number of weeks due to engagement *you buy a ticket and watch the movie * lastly after you watching the movie the theater sends the print back to the distribution company and then a payment is made for the lease agreement.

2) Film distribution is the process in which a blue print is made to come alive through all the different process which include the lease agreement, the negotiating, the funding and even the theaters.

3) The Hollywood system during the 1930's and 40's were known as being part of the Golden Age. During these years the Hollywood system was created by five major studios known to the public as the Big Five which includes studios such as MGM, 20th century fox, Warner Bros, Paramount and lastly RKO Radio pictures. This meant that this companies would invest a great deal of money to recruit groom and stars who possessed the talent potential. this method of self development became known as the ' Star System'. In 1935 the emergence of ' talent scout system' came in to being. This meant that ordinary people could become stars in up coming movies. 

However, ones they have signed the contracts this meant that the companies where in charge of them and therefore, controlled their every move. Meaning that no matter what role the actors were given they would have to play the role even if they didn't want to.   

4) The way in which film production has changed today is due to new technology in which films can be made much quicker today but also quality wise in which the visuals are much more spectacular to engage a wide demographic. Also the way in which distribution has changed is due to chose because today there's just so many different ways you can get a movie and that's all down to the Internet and what it has to offer. Lastly the way in which exhibition has changed is also due to technology as you can watch movies on your laptop, the cinema and even connect it on the TV.

5) Horizontal Integration: When a company expands its business into different products that are similar to current lines.

Example one and two:

Vertical Integration: When a company expands its business into areas that are at different points of the same production paths.

Example one and two  


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