Monday 28 November 2011

My Mums New Boyfriend Trailer Analysis

1) How does the trailer use media language to establish the films genre?

This trailer uses media language in a variety of ways to establish the films genres which are stated below. The films trailer itself is made out of hybrid genres which include action, comedy and romance and by doing this it gives the audience a wider context to enjoy. One way this trailer uses media language to establish the films genre is by the use of iconography particularly signs such as guns and badges which we associate with action. Another way this trailer uses media language is the use of characters such as the mum for instance which is portrayed to be clumsy and lazy as she falls down and says " am i dead". This then adds to genre of comedy as the audience are bound to laugh as they can relate to the character herself. In addition another way media language is used is by the use of quick shots which then in return adds suspension and builds adrenaline as the audience are excited about what is going to happen next.

2) Media representation: How is 'The Family' portrayed in the film ?
The family in this movie seems almost fractured as the mum is to lazy to even care for her son let alone herself and almost becomes a heavy burden upon the sons life. This is seen evident at the beginning of the trailer as the son cant wait to get away from her, suggesting to the audience that he had enough of her and wants the oppurtunity to be able to live his own life freely without having to think about his mum. However, when he comes back everything changes as his mum has transformed into a babe and catches the attention of a gang leader. This then worries the son and he does everything he can to keep her safe and by doing so it shows the audience a caring side towards the sons character as he has concerns about the safety of his own mum.

3) Media instituitions: What Hollywood values can you identify within this trailer?

 The way in which Hollywood values can be indentified within in this movie is because the main institution involved is Sony Picture Entertainment. Sony Picture Entertainment is a multinational company associated with the electronic comany Sony which is known all throughout the world. By this company having such global regonition it makes the trailer still stay true to the Hollywood values which is that every production that is associated with us should be big and bold to attract as much people we can in order to watch it. Also another way this trailer has stayed true to Hollywood values is by using oscar winning actors such as Antonia Banderas who is widely known for his role PUSS IN BOOTS in Shreks movies. By doing this it would make the audience seem attracted towards the movie and therefore, watch it.

4) Media Audience: In what ways does this trailer promote this film to its target audience?

The way this movie attracts to its target audience is by a number of reason which are stated below. The first one being that the movie itself isnt just one main genre but is actually a sub divide of three different genre each attracting their sole target audience. Which include comedy, action and romance to entice a wide variety of people. Another way the trailer has promoted towards its target audience is by the use of stars which include Antonia Banderas which is known to be in action and comedy film such as the popular movie called ZORO and by doing so the people are already attracted towards watching the trailer as the know is going to be a good movie as a huge actor is involved.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Drake's New Album Take Care is Here Finally !!!

On "Take Care" Drake has found what works, and that is collaborating with fellow Canadians Noah "40" Shebib, Matthew "Boi-1da" Samuels, and The Weeknd, who produce the bulk of the record. The album also features a song with R&B legend Stevie Wonder who, Drake said, "is like family to me now."
He said the majority of the album he recorded at home in Toronto, which made him realize how far he had come on his journey from aspiring artist to hip-hop star.
"I thought about how I got there, what happened," he said. "Why did I drop out of school? And how did I ever dig my mother out of this hole of debt we were in? I just address it all on the album. I tell every story I can remember leading up to this moment right now and tried to vividly capture this rise."
The result is "sonically, a very consistent piece," he said. "I'm excited for the world to hear it. I hope they enjoy it as much as I do."