Monday 19 September 2011

Olswang & Parliament Trip !!!


Today was such a long day but i can honestly say i enjoyed every bit of it. You may ask why? Well today i went on a trip to Olswang which is law firm based all around the world such as Berlin and they specialize in things like Media, Telecommunications and Real Estate. When we entered the conference room it looked very elegant with paintings all around and a big white board right in the middle of room. I could imagine myself working there LOL.

The day started of with a presentation about the different types of laws there are and the kind of things you need to know such as the constitutions which are the set of rules in which a country is run by. It defiantly made me interested as law is not a one way street and involves politics as well which is quiet interesting to know for someone who's maybe interested about being a lawyer. However, when we finished we went to  *DRUM ROLLS PLEASE ..... THE HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT !!! which to be honest with you i never imagined going to but hey the world works in mysterious ways i suppose. During the tour we got to see where the house of commons and the house of lords it located and how they looked like which is exactly the same way you seem them on the TV. Also during the tour we saw painting of the different Kings, Queens and Prime minsters England had and how the paved the way for other during the centuries.

Coming to the end of the day it defiantly made more aware of the world around me and how much work people actually did for the benefit of the world we live in today. Well until nest time i guess this is goodbye.

X.O.X.O Hibz Mo

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