Monday 19 September 2011

Google Chrome Advert - Jamal Edwards


Media Language
The quick shots used within the clip show not only excitement but also the progression of Jamal's success from being a 16yrs old who used to film these things for fun to now being a 20yr old and having his own business known to the world as SBTV. Also the music used within this clip is an artist known as WRETCH 32 who became known through SBTV itself and for Google to use his song its promoting it even further to the public so they can buy his songs. In addition this video is aimed at the younger generation hence the use of slang words such as 'LOOL' and the use of music which is something that teenagers would like.

The institutions involved in this advert are Google chrome itself and YouTube. By this institutions using Jamal it shows to the public that the internet itself is what you make of it and by using the right resources such as Google Chrome and YouTube it can set you up for success and get you that one step closer to your dreams. Also by using Jamal who is young and fresh young people could relate with him and be inspired to do something which they are passionate about which Google Chrome and YouTube can help your with since they are the right resources you need to become a STAR!!

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