Wednesday 21 September 2011

Textual Analysis - Juicy Couture

This print advert for Juicy Couture is showing a women laying down on a pink bed with sweets all around her. By using the women as the central background its conoting that the women is dominant meaning that the advert is targeting a female audience. Also with Juicy Couture using the sweets around the model and as a necklace could connote that no matter how old someone might get they still have their inner child intact.

The institutions involved in this print ad are Juicy Couture which is a brand which projects a mainstream image (through their advertisements) of a luxurious fantasy world of suspended reality. By doing this Juicy Couture denotes to their audiences that everything is possible within your dreams as your dreams have no limitations which then in return manipulates the audience due to the fact that fantasy is not reality so therefore, you as the audience have to separate the two.Furthermore, the use of mise-en-scene such as the soft neutral colours used like orange,green and pink could denote signs of prestige,envy and femininity which Juicy Couture enhance and want ordinary people like us to feel everyday when they put on that perfume.

The Juicy Couture is of sub-genre of perfume adverts and utilises a repertoire of generic codes and conventions from perfume advertising. Usually, in adverts we expect the product to be displayed by itself so the audience know where to buy it and be familiar with the product; in this case the model here is holding the product and is not only selling the perfume but also the brand. The Codes and Conventions of the perfume advert genre are; the product, the use of the model as normally perfumes are sold in relation to a model and aren't advertised by themselves, the air of prestige of the perfume which is shown in the mise-en-scene, the iconography of the slim and beautiful model and lastly the fashionable and feminized aspect as the perfume and the scent of it is generically associated with femininity.  

Children of Men Trailer

Media Language
The music used with in the trailer is very sober hence the use of violins playing in the background showing to the audience that a tragedy has occured due to the death of Baby Diago. Also the quick shots used on the tv screen makes the tragedy seem real as we are involved and are actually there. However, it could also suggest how life passes us by in a blink of an eye and therefore, we should cherise every moment we have.

The instition involved in this movie is Universal Pictures and by seeing this name people atomatically are going to think that this movie is going to be good due to the fact that Univeral Pictures are known globally for such movies as (House Bunny, Cow & Aliens and etc) which the public like so much. So, therefore by Universal Pictures doing this movie people are wanting to expect something unique and fresh in which they wannt to watch.

The movie itself contains intertexuality as it doeasnt only include one genre but instead 3 such as sci-fi, adventure and drama. By using these 3 types of genres together it makes more people intrested in watching this movie and therefore, creates popularity  which gets more people to spread the word.

The social groups which are being portayed are ordinary people who struggling after this great tragedy. Everybody in the movie are represented as a unity coming together as the film doesnt only show one certain aspect of people but the whole world wanting to solve the problem they are facing.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Twitter Mania

The reason for why we should showcase this documentary is to make people understand why twitter and facebook have become so big in the 21st century. People might think oh i don't really care but come to think of it wouldn't you like to know how this craze that your involved in became so big? Well i defiantly would !! So therefore, by showcasing this documentary people can feel inspired to do something positive with such a popular tool like Jamal Edwards done with Google Chrome which made him into the successful enterpreteuner he is today.

Monday 19 September 2011

Google Chrome Advert - Jamal Edwards


Media Language
The quick shots used within the clip show not only excitement but also the progression of Jamal's success from being a 16yrs old who used to film these things for fun to now being a 20yr old and having his own business known to the world as SBTV. Also the music used within this clip is an artist known as WRETCH 32 who became known through SBTV itself and for Google to use his song its promoting it even further to the public so they can buy his songs. In addition this video is aimed at the younger generation hence the use of slang words such as 'LOOL' and the use of music which is something that teenagers would like.

The institutions involved in this advert are Google chrome itself and YouTube. By this institutions using Jamal it shows to the public that the internet itself is what you make of it and by using the right resources such as Google Chrome and YouTube it can set you up for success and get you that one step closer to your dreams. Also by using Jamal who is young and fresh young people could relate with him and be inspired to do something which they are passionate about which Google Chrome and YouTube can help your with since they are the right resources you need to become a STAR!!

Olswang & Parliament Trip !!!


Today was such a long day but i can honestly say i enjoyed every bit of it. You may ask why? Well today i went on a trip to Olswang which is law firm based all around the world such as Berlin and they specialize in things like Media, Telecommunications and Real Estate. When we entered the conference room it looked very elegant with paintings all around and a big white board right in the middle of room. I could imagine myself working there LOL.

The day started of with a presentation about the different types of laws there are and the kind of things you need to know such as the constitutions which are the set of rules in which a country is run by. It defiantly made me interested as law is not a one way street and involves politics as well which is quiet interesting to know for someone who's maybe interested about being a lawyer. However, when we finished we went to  *DRUM ROLLS PLEASE ..... THE HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT !!! which to be honest with you i never imagined going to but hey the world works in mysterious ways i suppose. During the tour we got to see where the house of commons and the house of lords it located and how they looked like which is exactly the same way you seem them on the TV. Also during the tour we saw painting of the different Kings, Queens and Prime minsters England had and how the paved the way for other during the centuries.

Coming to the end of the day it defiantly made more aware of the world around me and how much work people actually did for the benefit of the world we live in today. Well until nest time i guess this is goodbye.

X.O.X.O Hibz Mo